100 days of Code : Day 3

You can find day 2 here

What I wanted to do?

Todo for today

I must confess I didn’t realize how unrealistic that was considering I have a full-time job etc ๐Ÿ˜… Anyway, I managed to do a few things

What I did

Exercism questions – I started writing an article to help me solidify my understanding of the pangram exercise. Here is the link, it’s a work in progress though.

Personal Project – I was not able to do anything here.
Backend training: nothing here.
Volunteering – WordPress: I did not do anything here.
Collaborate with others – I have decided to withdraw from this because I don’t have enough skills for it for now (will have to use microservices) and don’t think I can combine learning C# fundamentals with learning microservices.
Job Applications: I got a coding assignment from a company today. I have to submit it on the 7th of this month. I also had an interview and I was asked the following questions

1. To talk about myself
2. How long have I been using .net?
3. Haveย  I used .net core before?
4. How do I optimize a LINQ query?
5. How do I connect a database to MySQL?
6. Have I used microservice before?
7. Which database have I used before?
8. Have I deployed using IIS?
9. Have I ever carried out CI/CD?10. How do you implement Dependency Injection in a .net application? 11. How do you retrieve data from a database? 12. How do you make changes to data in a database?

What I want to do tomorrow.

Exercism questions – Finish studying the solution I submitted to Exercism, study the solutions and suggestions made by my mentor. Finish writing blog posts about solutions. Come up with another possible solution and implement it.
Personal Project Todo app: Make a list of entities for version 1 of the application. Create corresponding controllers and Models for them.
Backend training: Finish studying DNS with clear notes.
Volunteering – WordPress: Fix the changes that need to be made. Google Site: Meet with the person in charge of the site to view progress and make suggestions.

Job Applications: Start working on the coding assessment I was given.

The problem is as follows :

Build a hotel management solution API, that has the following features using C#;
1.) Sign up (guest and hotel staff(staff and super admin))
2.) login (guest and hotel staff(staff and super admin))
3.) employee and guest can edit profile
4.) Staff can create rooms (rooms must have pictures) and staff can edit rooms
5.) Guest can books a room (when a room is booked nobody else can book it), guest can cancel a booking
6.) Super-admin can create an employee, can only view rooms and bookings and can remove an employee.
Must-have Features
1.) Swagger documentation
2.) Audit log

Now the day is over, the night is drawing near. Tomorrow is a new day.

You can find day 4 here.

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