100 days of Code : Day 4

You can find Day 3 here

Today was a rather eventful day. I realised I had not been planning my day correctly. What I used to do was write the time from my wake up time till my sleep time and randomly insert different tasks into hourly time slots. This was very unproductive because something would come up and the whole list would become useless.

What I did differently today was to make a list of things I didn’t manage to do yesterday and still needed to be done, then check my calendar for fixed events. In addition, I have a timetable for tasks that have no due date but need to be done, so I also got the tasks for today from there and placed everything in a list. I spent almost 1 hour sorting the list in the order of importance {It was not 100% ordered though}. I also have pomodoro tasks and since I work as an IT support specialist I usually have a lot of interruptions that can serve as pomodoro breaks.

My planned tasks.

What I planned to do

What I eventually did

Exercism questions – I finished studying the solution I submitted to Exercism as well as the solutions and suggestions made by my mentor. I also finished writing my blog post and read Microsoft docs on const and static keywords. I did not come up with another possible solution for the pangram exercise but sometime in the future I will come back to it. I also started working on the next exercise but still figuring out how to work when there is no argument passed.

Personal Project – I have decided to put this on hold as well to enable me focus.
                             Backend training: Putting this on hold as well.
VolunteeringWordPress: I have given this task specific days so I don’t have to work on it everyday.
Google Site : I was able to meet with the person in charge of the site and I gave suggestions. She is doing an amazing job.

Job Applications: I spent sometime working on this and came up with the following :

Here is the GitHub URL. I have only created the template api. I decided to go with .NET core 3.1 because .NET 6 is not supported in visual studio 2019 and 2022 is still in preview stage. I assume it means it is not yet stable. I also don’t understand minimal APIs that come with .NET 6. I also realized I will have to use a NoSQL db. for the logs. Still figuring it out.

What to work on tomorrow

Exercism questions – Work on the two-Fer exercise.
VolunteeringWordPress: Make changes.
Job Applications: Define Models and start work on controllers.

Little drops of water make an ocean. Tomorrow is another opportunity.

You can find Day 5 here

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