Outreachy day 7

Its day 7/29 which means I have 22 days left to make my contributions. My Initial plan for today was :

  1. Ceph :
    1. Clone the ceph project to my system (very large) and build using the guide.
    2. Help at least 1 person on the chat.
  2. GNOME:
    1. Study first part of GTK doc and form personal notes on notion.
    2. Build personal app using tutorial.
    3. Help at least 1 person in the gnome translator channel.
  1. Study the introductory chapter on Head first C
  2. QCollate topics to be studied in C and add to timetable

What did I eventually do?

  1. Ceph : I actually started cloning the repo but my oh my is it large. It downloaded up until about 300 mb but I didn’t realise my laptop had a setting enabled that hibernates/suspends the laptop when inactive which neans it cuts off the internet/disables all services temporarily and that meant the Clone process was disrupted. I changed the settings and tried again but this time it only got to about 100mb before it was time to go home. I’ll try again tomorrow. I wasn’t able to help anyone on the chat because the IRC channel seems inactive and the channel description says something about joining another one but I wasn’t able to join the second one because my internet seems to have a firewall blocking the site. I don’t think it is a targeted block.
  2. GNOME: I started studying the GTK doc but still wrapping my head about Gobject etc. I also attempted implementing the addition of the ID to the project but u wasn’t able to commit the changes because I need to configure git on my computer ( I recently changed my OS from windows to Linux). Didn’t find anyone I could help today.
  1. I did study the introductory chapter on C for absolute beginners. Just picked up 1 C book. It’s interesting so far. Still talking about what programming is and what a computer is etc. I like to start from the very beginning so as to brush up on what I already know and maybe there are things I think I know but don’t. I don’t think there is a point outlining all the topic in C for now, maybe as I read I’ll take note of that.

Tomorrow I hope to do the following :

  1. Ceph : Finish cloning code. Connect to another network and try joining the correct group.
  2. Gnome : Setup Git, push code to gitlab and make a merge request. Contact mentor for this project and Daniel the expert. Study GTK and create sample app.
  3. C : continue with C for absolute beginners book. Finish chapter 1 and the introduction.

The rains are here 😄. I love the rains. What is your best season?

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