Outreachy day 16- 23

The past couple of days have indeed been quite eventful and though I have not been posting my progress, I have been working hard and plan to do more these last 8 days.
I started learning about Golang and Golang modules because of an error message I encountered while running a hello world golang application.
As regards gnome, I’m waiting for feedback from my mentors and need to follow up with them as well.
For ceph, I really just need to finish the application and make a pull request as well as a few othr outreachy finishing touches.
My azure credit finished so I just added my card hopefully I won’t be charged so much. Or hopefully I’m charged next month. I also wrote about how I fixed a permission issue while I was trying to move folders from 1 part of my drive to another across 2 different users.

My plans

I have less than 8 days left to the deadline for my outreachy application and I plan to do the following

Day 1(today): yesterday
Day 2: Put finishing touches to Golang Application, push, make a pull request, submit initial application, Email Gnome mentor concerning my pull request. Correct error in my golang code.
Day3: Remind mentor about feedback for ceph, work on gnome new task
Day 4 : Work on GNOME task and remind both GNOME and Ceph to merge my code
Day 5: Make final appplication to Ceph.
Day 6: Make final application to Gnome.
Day 7: Cross check for anything else that needs to be done.
Day 8: Official deadline.

Cheers and Happy Easter.

Reference : https://ochuwa-sophie.medium.com/how-to-copy-a-folder-across-multiple-user-accounts-on-a-linux-ubuntu-20-0-af1819a2ffa7

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