100 days of code day 19

Find day 18 here.

This is for 23rd February.

Initial Plan

IT Volunteering: Finish up with making corrections to the site.

IT Job: Tomorrow is career fair day and internal issues. Need to be on stand by.

API Project: Sophie you have to finish this tutorial today and if there is time, modify it to my hotel management project.

Job: Research on different companies at outreach. Read on Open Source.

What I did

IT Volunteering: Didn’t touch this.

IT job: Today was career fair day at the university I work and I was generally on standby. Today waa also internal issues day when we talk about a topic or a culture in the school. We set up the computer, speaker and projector for use. Did some other tiny things like setting a computer time, debugging someone’s code etc.

API Project: I’ve finished Tim Corey’s video but I still have errors in my code. Now i have set up the interface for the user data class and defined the relationship between the model and database content.

Tomorrow’s plan :

IT Volunteering : will work on this on Friday. Tomorrow will be too busy for this.

IT Job : We have some setup to do in the labs in preparation for the exams.

API project: I need to figure out why I am having the errors. Will compare my code with Tim’s own and try to understand what he did better.

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