Outreachy day 6

Hi, I actually overestimated my capability. Today was a busy day but I was able to setup chat for Ceph project (I did it yesterday evening) .I was also able to help someone on the gnome translator project with fixing an issue with forking the code from gitlab. My reasons for helping are: help others get up to speed as a way of giving back to the community, I read somewhere that it contributes to my overall performance rating and it helps me see how far I have come based on the things I understand. It also has some altruistic value and it helps me be more selfless.

I had a c# interview yesterday which I flunked woefully. Took note of the questions and hope to do better next time. I was asked to explain object oriented programming but couldn’t explain properly. More study!!!

In addition, I started reading about .po files which are plain object files used for translating/localizing websites and apps. .po files are the files used in the Gnome translation editor software. I am still in the process of understanding the gtk project.

Plans for tomorrow

  1. Ceph :
    1. Clone the ceph project to my system (very large) and build using the guide.
    2. Help at least 1 person on the chat.
  1. GNOME:
    1. Study first part of GTK doc and form personal notes on notion.
    2. Build personal app using tutorial.
    3. Help at least 1 person in the gnome translator channel.

  1. Study the introductory chapter on Head first C
  2. Collate topics to be studied in C and add to timetable.

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