Outreachy day 8

Hola, productive day today. This was my initial plan :

  1. Ceph : Finish cloning code. Connect to another ISP and try joining the correct group.
  2. Gnome : Setup Git, push code to gitlab and make a merge request. Contact mentor for this project and Daniel the expert. Study GTK and create sample app.
  3. C : continue with C for absolute beginners book. Finish chapter 1 and the introduction.

What I eventually did :

  1. Ceph : I did finish cloning the Ceph code from github. Its almost 1gb large which is quite large. In addition, I had to also run a submodule checkout. I believe this pulled code from other repositories that the Ceph project depends on. I did not have to change ISP to do this and I tried joining the IRC ceph group but I keep getting an error. I have posted this in the ceph irc channel I am in even though it seems so quiet. I also setup guthub with ssh.
  2. Gnome : I was able to setup gitlab with ssh. I was able to push the code to gitlab and made a merge request (equivalent of pull request on gitlab : ) ). Fingers crossed. Will keep trying to correct error. There was no need to contact the mentor. I did study GTK and realised it’s a frontend heavy project plus I had an error while trying to create a hello world application.
Gtk4 error

Using this tutorial, this for compiling and this for installation of needed dependencies. This is the GTK link. I also need to install Ninja and Meson as GTK needs them to install correctly.

This is where I am with with the task: https://gist.github.com/yuvalif/e1766b75594a45dcdea8717bcc6f4525#build

3. C : I continued reading the C absolute beginners book and I am now at the point where they ask me to install “Code Block” which is really complicated to install on Linux. Linux can be quite stressful to work with, anyway I plan to take the Linux foundation intro to Linux course on edx.

Tomorrow I hope to do the following :

  • Ceph : build the project.
  • Gnome: Read about GTK. Check for response to merge request.

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