100 days of code : Day 14

Find day 13 here.

My intention

IT job: Well, we have to prepare for an event in one of the faculties as early as 8:30 tomorrow. Also need to fix the telephone of a staff member.

Exercism: I am going to spend my afternoon working on this Lasagna assignment. Focus.

IT volunteering: One of the guys I am working with made some corrections today. Tomorrow I need to research how to move the WordPress installation on the subdomain to the primary domain then archive the old one. I am leaving this duty by May. I have disclosed this to those in charge. I had a lot of fun here.

Outreachy: I have a call with a former participant by 10:30am, will spend a few minutes tonight before going to bed organising the questions I would like for him to answer. I hope to conclude this application and submit it by Saturday. I plan to spend some time reflecting on my answers. I really would like my answers to be positive but also reflect the reality of things as regards underrepresentation.

API project: Why do I keep running in circles? Why can’t I just get this done? Am I afraid of something? Do I actually need to do a Microsoft learn tutorial on .net 6? I think so. I will do it and make sure I finish it then start working on the project using the process j get from the tutorial. Anyway tomorrow, I hope to finish creating 2 endpoints.

Others: I need to purchase my ticket to Open Source Africa happening next month, may do that tonight.

What I did.

Exercism: Nothing

IT Job : Setup the microphone and other devices for an event in school. Also went with my boss to troubleshoot a problem with the wifi access point in one of the classes. Fixed successfully. Mostly my boss’s work.

IT volunteering: Nothing here.

API project: finished working on the todo application then decided to start working on identity and multiple user roles for the hotel management software. Did some research but have yet to implement it.

Job Application: I have implemented all changes suggested by the kind people who revised my essay and I have finally submitted it.

Others: I bought the OSCA ticket, since it’s open-source I think it’s relevant to me because of my hope of participating in outreachy.

For tomorrow

API project, IT job, IT volunteering, Exercism: None for tomorrow since it’s weekend .

Job application: Speak to the outreachy guy. We didn’t get to talk yesterday because he had an impromptu meeting.

Others : Need to review the last couple of days and see how to modify my plan so as to be more efficient with learning how to code.

Find day 15 here .

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